Partnering up with Scrub Hub

During these difficult times where daily life around the globe is crippled by COVID-19, the NHS has been struggling to get a hold of sufficient supplies of medical scrubs for front-line workers.

We at Showcase Creative received a delightful call from Scrub Hub, the community volunteer group that was established to aid NHS workers by providing scrubs to our most essential workers. Members of the group have been working together sowing scrubs for the personnel at our local hospital at Frimley Park. 

Becky from Scrub Hub explained there was a real need for large-format printed patterns to use as templates for their gowns. To meet demands, and make sure that our doctors and essential workers stay safe, Showcase Creative joined hands with volunteers from Scrub Hub to produce patterns for use as templates when cutting the material to shape.

Scrubs are crucial to keeping hospital staff—and their families—safe, as wearing scrubs around the hospital makes it easier to change clothes as they go from one room to the next. Wearing fresh scrubs reduces the risk of spreading the coronavirus between patients among the wards. In addition, the scrubs, which are made from all sorts or  materials donated by volunteers, help to brighten the hospital up.

Since donating the patterns, which were printed using our 42” wide inkjet printers, over 1000 scrubs have gone to Frimley Park Hospital to support the nurses, doctors, and porters. 

We are very grateful to Becky and the rest of the team at Scrub Hub for reaching out and getting in contact to help our heroes during the pandemic, and to our front-line staff, putting their lives at risk to keep us safe and healthy. 
